Hi! Thanks for using Chiron, the problem reference manual for the Macintosh. With version 2.2 I have added a chapter that describes all current trojan horses in the world that are out to get your Macintosh. And, you'll find a chapter with crash recovery strings (yeah, you have to go to the chapter to find out what those are).
Ever wondered what those little buttons on the front of your Mac, or the plastic switch on the side are good for? I've got just the chapter for you, using the programmers switch you can recover from some crashes, check out the Crash Recovery Strings for ways to do this.
I've also completely redone the Sad Mac Error codes. Everything is much more detailed, and support for all current Macs has been added (instead of just the new ones). Included Macintosh's listed are: 128K, 512K, 512Ke, Plus, SE, II series, Mac Portable, Powerbooks, Centris, and Quadra machines. Definitly check this chapter out.
If you notice any errors, omissions, or would like to see something added (see the chapter "Upcoming Versions of Chiron) please don't hesitate to contact me. Thru internet I can be reached through internet at:
Or, e-mail me on any of the Boston (I use the handle 'B-Bert') area boards I'm on...
I'll try to give a reply as soon as possible, and will try to include any good suggestions anyone has.